CAPTABLE.CA There are 1.4M small and medium size businesses in Canada. All these businesses are incorporated. In some cases, it is the lawyers that hold the books for these businesses, but in most cases it is the founders. One of the key components of a business is the shareholder registry and the option registry. This is a book of records that indicates who holds how many shares of business and which employees have a contract (or an option) to be granted future shares.
Today this process is still a spreadsheet process, yet one of the key ways to retain key employees is to grant them shares or options. As in every market there are growing competitors. Most competitors are focused on VC backed companies, allowing Limited Partners to manage the valuation of a company. Such companies include CARTA who recently has been valued at $2B, having raised $300M round from leading US investors, as well as Morgan Stanley acquiring SOLIUM CAPITAL for $1.1B. Lastly is a tool and part of the Long Term Stock Exchange (LTSE) backed by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund.
We see a unique angle on how to enter this space and dominate the Canadian market, and then go after other markets. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.
XRAYLYTICS Not everyone has access to radiologists. Yet populations are aging and radiologists are in demand. It takes 10 years to become a radiologist. Because of 10 years of school, many move to where the money is. Most radiologists today are still recruited by agencies. In fact, there are over 15,000 job postings in the US for a radiologist.
We have created wireframes and mockups for a mobile platform that uses internet dynamics and gamification to group radiologists. Through a unique UI/UX approach, we are able to identify experts. The platform has network effects hence allowing users to on board other users. Due to how the platform has been designed, it would not be unrealistic to group 10,000 radiologists to be part of the platform, creating an uber style workforce.
We see a unique angle on how to enter this space and dominate the market. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.
PAYMENTLYTICS There are a number of payment processors that offer the ability to collect payments. However many of them lack the capability of giving key data so that the founder or the owner of the business can understand cash-flow and make data based decisions.
We have created wireframes and mockups for a web based platform that allows an easy way to identify key data points to make data driven decisions based on the POS data. Hence a way for the end user to calculate LTV, Churn and other key metrics necessary for the SaaS or transaction company to build a sustainable business.
We see a unique angle on how to enter this space and dominate the market. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.
DRIVERLYTICS Every day thousands of accidents are related to distractions, many involved how one uses a phone while driving.
We have created wireframes and mockups for a mobile platform that solves this problem and allows the user to be less interactive with the phone while driving.
We see a unique angle on how to enter this space and dominate the market. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.
CALLERLYTICS It is very hard to understand the health of a sales pipeline. By using NLP we have created wireframes and mockups for a web and mobile platform that allows a VP Sales to understand and track the health of a prospect in the sales pipeline.
We see a unique angle on how to enter this space and dominate the market. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected] or connect via LinkedIn.